Correspondent’s Message

St Raymond’s College Correspondent

Correspondent’s Message

Student motivation to learn is a chief contributor to student learning outcomes and to student persistence in college .student motivation to learn is a product of teacher’s instructional practices ,the college ’s ethos, and the family’s child rearing practices –al of which are strongly influenced by the college community’s expressed and unexpressed values, supports and guidance .Student motivation ,then is strongly affected by the way a college operates and in turn influences the colleges performance in terms of learning outcomes.

St Raymonds college, Vamanjoor is a driving force for the students to actualizes their dreams and aspirations in their ladder of value oriented life .It gives me immense joy to meet the young hearts who enter the portals of St Raymond seeking character formation, valuE education ,academic excellence and service ability. Indeed these students are blessing from God ,spreading the fragrance of innocence and childlikeness.

I deeply appreciate the lecturers of the college ,who is an expert in knowledge ,collaboration and team spirit. Striving to do ones best for the integrated development of the students .I place on record the large heartedness of the unit of NSS. who walk an extra mile of service and motivate the stakeholders at all levels to be sensitive towards building a healthy society.

I congratulate Sr Sagaya Selvi BS,the principal for her innovative and creative ideas for the welfare, advancement and progress of the students and betterment of the institute .I wish and pray that St Raymond’s College bloom in the footsteps of Servant Raymond F C Mascarenhas the Founder, and impart values of Jesus the great teacher. May we work together to mark St Raymonds College incease and bear fruit in plenty.